Friday, June 17, 2011

Amazing house

amazing house
Amazing House

amazing house
Amazing house
Do you prefer quiet house on the water or the daring adventure of a house hanging off a cliff, a big glass house design or home design incredible underground? A giant space in which to sprawl or a tiny corner in which to seek solitude? Do you aspire to something exotic and unique or comfortable and cozy home there will definitely contemporary, ultra modern, portable or prefab here for you. Sorted into eight types, here are seventy houses the most amazing, unusual, offbeat and unique in the world.
1) Unique Beach and Lake Houses: What could be more relaxing and peaceful than an extended stay at a house on the water? How about: a stay in one of these architecturally amazing beach and lake houses that defy conventions, buck traditions and in one case represents the realization of an amazing designer’s lifelong engineering aspirations.
 2) Dizzying Cliff and Mountain Houses: If beach houses in bedroom are relaxing these precarious structures are anything but. Perched on the edges of daunting precipices these cliff and mountain homes are some of the scariest places you could possibly think to live. Some have survived for centuries while others are (quite literally) on the brink of destruction.
3) Crazy Condos and Townhouses: Of course, not everyone can afford an extra lake house or to live with an amazing view from a mountain home. While condos and townhouses may have the reputation of being small, secondary and boring these awesome examples defy conventions and embody both brilliantly creative and livable design concepts.
4) Absurdly Cramped and Crowded Houses: OK, so some of us can’t even afford a condo per say but don’t dismay – there is certainly a strange and small house somewhere with which you can make your mark. Whether you want to live on a bus, in the skinniest house in the world, a tiny cabin on wheels or an airlifted box is a question only you can answer.
5) Glittering Greenhouses and Glass Houses: Many of us value our privacy and make it a priority when seeking out the perfect house – but some people do the opposite. Ranging from glass shacks to beautiful greenhouses here are some great examples of extremely extroverted designs revolving around openness, transparency and visual clarity.